January 5, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
Here we are in 2023 – the start of a new and hopefully exciting, prosperous, happy and healthy year ahead for all of us. With all of the holiday travel challenges, Lori and I were so happy that we were able to visit with our daughter Danielle, son in law Colin and granddaughter Emi Lou in St. Louis. What a difference from the 2 month old baby we met for the first time this past July. Now 8 months old, Emi Lou is so animated, playful and fun. Each time she smiled and waved to me as I entered the room, my heart melted! We took her to the St. Louis Aquarium and her fascination and amazement at all she was taking in was so delightful! We can’t wait for the next visit and to see all the growth and development.
Your Adolph & Rose Levis JCC is also growing and developing, more and more every day. We look forward to improving our physical buildings as well as growing our strong, exciting programming. As you’ve read, our Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center is at the peak of its programming season, and our Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center and Marleen Forkas Summer Camp programs are quickly selling out. Our fundraising and engagement activities continue to grow as well, with many opportunities to connect on the east side of Boca Raton. We aspire to expand north into Delray Beach as well, and also look forward to offering some unique travel opportunities for the first time in several years. You’ll continue to hear more about all of this as our plans develop.
This week’s Torah portion is Vayechi (Lived) the final portion in the Book of Genesis, the first of the Five Books of Moses. In it, Jacob lives out the rest of his life in Egypt, preparing his children for their role as tribes in the Nation of Israel. Upon his death, Jacob’s remains are brought to the Holy Land, where he is buried. His son Joseph also lives out his life in Egypt and ultimately, his remains too are buried in the Holy Land. Just as our ancestors experienced changes and moves, we do as well. After many long and very successful years in our primary location on Donna Klein Boulevard, we now have a wonderful new opportunity to focus on our space located on 95th Avenue S.
Regardless of where any of our programs are located, our Levis JCC staff and leadership is always keenly aware of our unique ability to be the widest welcoming doorway for our Jewish community and our community at large, creating programs and opportunities, building and strengthening a community we can be so proud of.
Light Shabbat candles on Friday evening at 5:25 pm.
Shabbat Ends Saturday night at 6:21 pm.
Wishing you all a Shabbat Shalom.
