January 19, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
After a weeklong birthday celebration, I can honestly say that Lori and I are becoming well acquainted with some of the dining opportunities that South Palm Beach has to offer. We hit Abe & Louie’s with lifelong friends and were treated to dinner at Trattoria Romano by my father in law, Ken Weinstein, now a snow bird here. The big question is: how I will fit into my tuxedo this weekend for a big event?!
Speaking of big events, we are in peak season for programs at the Levis JCC Sandler Center. The opening reception of Triumph of the Spirit: Jewish Athletes Before, During and After the Holocaust, an exhibition on view in our Judi & Allan Schuman Museum Gallery that opened on January 5th, was attended by more than 100 people and was featured by many local digital, broadcast and print media outlets. Admissions by Joshua Harmon, our Nina & Martin Rosenzweig West Boca Theatre Company’s second production of the season, is underway and receiving excellent feedback. It runs through January 22nd, and is not to be missed. The Sandler Center’s 4 month long Israel 75 celebration presented its first event, author Lana Melman, on Monday, January 9th, and we welcomed 230 people on Tuesday, January 10th for a lecture on History’s Mysteries by Robert Watson, Ph.D., part of our Marlene and Herb Levin Adult University Lecture Series.
This week’s Torah portion is Va’eira (and I appeared) in the book of Exodus, the second book in the Five Books of Moses. It also happens to be my Bar Mitzvah portion. In it, G-d reveals the four expressions of redemption:
- Take out the children of Israel from Egypt
- Deliver them from their enslavement
- Redeem them
- And make them His own chosen people at Mount Sinai
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 5:36 pm Shabbat ends on Saturday evening at 6:31 pm
Shabbat Shalom,
