February 2, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This past week I returned from my first Jewish Community Center Association (JCCA) “Mifgash” (encounter) with fellow CEOs and other professional leaders representing many of the 170 JCCs in North America, Israel, and globally. When I have amazing opportunities such as this one, I always try to bring home 3 ideas to build on. My take away themes from this conference are:
- Accelerating Success
- “Doing” Jewish
- Never Alone- We are part of a much larger Jewish universe
This week, I’m pleased to spotlight our Levis JCC Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department. This department has embraced individuals with special needs and their families for more than 25 years, striving to enhance the lives of children, teens and adults with disabilities. With more than 20 programs, the department is busy with programming throughout the week for children age 3 through adults age 50+. Some recent highlights include:

- Schwedelson Sunday Social Scene participants enjoyed lunch, bingo, and socializing with friends at our Levis JCC; many more activities are planned, including our annual trip to Orlando
- Fit and Fun participants (grades Pre-K – 12), assisted by teen volunteer buddies, enhance sports and fitness skills supervised by credentialed coaches
- After School Enrichment participants (children ages 3 – 22+) spend Tuesday and Thursday afternoons enjoying activities, building skills, socializing, and so much more
Learn more about this wonderful and inspiring department here.
This week’s Torah portion is Beshalach (When He Sent) in the book of Exodus, the second in the Five Books of Moses. In it, the Israelites suffer from thirst and hunger, and frequently complain to Moses and Aaron. G-d asks Moses to bring forth water from a stone by speaking to it. In frustration, Moses strikes it with his staff. Though water does flow from the stone, Moses is punished for not doing as G-d had instructed him to do.
In this story, we see that sometimes the ends do not justify the means. There is a “right” way to go about our business, at home, at work and in our community. At your Levis JCC we strive do things the right way; our departments offer programming for individuals of all ages and abilities to enjoy meaningful, rewarding, and enriching experiences. By focusing on the 3 themes I mentioned above, we will continue to strengthen and grow our Levis JCC for our community.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 5:47 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday evening at 6:41 pm.
Shabbat Shalom,
