February 22, 2024

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This past week, I have been very privileged to view some amazing films presented by our Levis JCC’s Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival. Each was so different from the other, each a compelling story that brought to life some aspect of Jewish life, or a Jewish story and experience. Watching these films has helped me finally articulate the best word I can think of for what being Jewish means to me. For me, Judaism is a lens. All humans experience a multitude of life experiences—ups and downs, triumphs and disasters. Living life through a Jewish lens colors everything for me and creates purpose and meaning. This is what makes being Jewish so precious to me is. I hope I will see you all at some of the films that will be screened during the remaining week of our Festival and certainly for our spectacular closing event on March 4 featuring the film I Was Not Born a Mistake with Guest Speaker Yiscah Smith. Click here to learn more and to purchase tickets.
This week’s Torah portion is Tetzaveh (Command) in the book of Exodus. The second in the Five Books of Moses. In it, G-d tells Moses to receive pure olive oil from the children of Israel to feed the “eternal flame” of the menorah, which Aaron is to light every day from “evening until morning.” Whether I am experiencing our film festival, or enjoying one of the many impactful programs the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center presents to our community; whether reading news each day about the war in Gaza, saying the “Shema” prayer before sleep, or kissing the mezuzah every time I enter or exit a Jewish room, my Jewish lens provides me with so much comfort and meaning. I hope you find joy and meaning in seeing things through your own Jewish lens as well.
Shabbat begins Friday evening at 6:00 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 6:54 pm.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Shabbat Shalom
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