March 9, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I am writing this week’s message to you on Purim, and what a Purim I’ve had! My day began at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center enjoying the Zale preschoolers’ annual Purim parade, celebrating with hamantashen and happy, dancing, costumed preschoolers. I then met up with our incoming Levis JCC Board Chair, Steve Clarfield, and a possible partner for “Travel with the J,” a concept we are developing. I joined our Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center staff and partners at B’nai Torah Congregation to hear legendary comedian Rita Rudner present her book, “My Life In Dog Years: A Memoir.” Each week is jam-packed with opportunities to enjoy and showcase our wide variety of outstanding Levis JCC programs.
On March 5th, our Levis JCC’s 7th Annual Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival opened; this incredible Festival offers 86 films both live and virtually through March 26th. These films were carefully selected by our screening committee members from more than 700 films under consideration. Lori and I have already seen 3 films and have loved them, especially the Israeli film “Perfect Strangers.” I hope you will join us for some of these films (view trailers and purchase tickets here). You will laugh, cry, learn, and connect with some aspect of the Jewish experience, culture, or heritage.
This week’s Torah portion is Ki Tisa (When You Take) in the book of Exodus, the second in the Five Books of Moses. In it, the people of Israel are each told to contribute exactly a half shekel of silver toward the construction of G-d’s sanctuary. This is the seedling for the concept of tzedakah, (righteousness, or justice) that in so many ways has made the Jewish people a light unto nations. Whether it is celebrating the Purim holiday, offering unique travel experiences with our Levis JCC, providing opportunities to enjoy outstanding performers such as Rita Rudner, or screening notable Jewish-themed films, our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC is the largest doorway to our incredible Jewish community. We welcome you to join us and look forward to seeing you soon.
Light candles Friday night at 6:08 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 7:01 pm
Shabbat Shalom,
