March 23, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This week is one of celebration in my family; both my son Noah and my brother Stefan have birthdays. Professionally, I celebrated the opportunity to meet up with Steven Nasatir, the retired long-time professional leader of the Jewish United Fund in Chicago. What a joy to have his undivided attention and learn from his vast experience gleaned from a long and storied career. We discussed many topics, but a key takeaway was how powerful the strong partnership between lay and professional leadership can be.
I am thinking of the strength of our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s leadership particularly, as this week was the final Board meeting for this fiscal year. I am proud to work alongside such a talented, caring, and committed group of leaders. Together this past year we relocated most of our professional operations into our space on the North side of the campus. The move occurred much faster than anyone thought possible and benefited our entire Jewish community, cementing our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC as our community’s premiere Jewish, social, and cultural arts hub. We organized a capital campaign that is off to an incredible start, even in its “quiet phase.” We are thrilled to be returning to the JCC Maccabi Games this summer; our Levis Krug Team Boca Delegation will send two teams of teen athletes to experience a week of camaraderie and friendly competition which will be held in August 2023. While all of these fabulous things are happening behind the scenes, our Levis JCC departments continue to provide outstanding and essential programs and services. Please come visit and enjoy the Levis JCC Pottery Guild Exhibition & Sale and Perspectives: A Photography Exhibition, the latest installations in our Judi & Allan Schuman Museum Gallery or a thought-provoking film presented by our Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival, which closes this weekend. There is still so much to experience this season.
This week’s Torah portion is Vayikra (And He Called), the first portion in Leviticus, the third in the Five Books of Moses. In it, G-d communicates to Moses the laws of “the korbanot” (offerings) brought in the Sanctuary. The ascending offering is raised entirely to G-d by the fire atop the altar.
We too ascend to a higher place when we work together in partnership toward common goals, when we celebrate life’s milestones, take the time to learn from each other, and certainly when we improve the condition of our valued communal institutions, including our very own Levis JCC. May we continue to go from strength to strength.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:15 pm
Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 8:08 pm
Shabbat Shalom,
