March 28, 2024
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), This week Lori and I will be traveling to Phoenix to visit with our son Noah, his fiancée Patricia and our granddaughters Gabby and Ollie. We have an unspoken rule in our family to try really hard not to go more than 90 days without getting together somewhere in person. Phoenix is where Lori and I made our home for 7 years prior to moving to Boca Raton, and it is always great to return to the desert, which we love especially this time of year, and to see good friends in addition to our wonderful family.

Here in Boca, our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center family is very excited for our annual Shine Like a Star luncheon on April 18th featuring guest speaker John Lithgow, an award-winning actor loved and appreciated for his many decades onstage and in films and television shows. This event is a warm, caring way for the community to come together in generous support of our Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department and its programs. Register, purchase a star in someone’s honor, or make a donation by visiting
This week’s double Torah portion is Tzav (Command)/Parah(Cow) in Leviticus, the third of the Five Books of Moses. In it, Aaron and his sons remain within the Sanctuary compound for seven days, during which Moses initiates them into the priesthood. At our Levis JCC, we are now completing our Board nominating process for the coming year. I look forward to the installation of our Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual Meeting on May 7th. Working in partnership with our strong leadership is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work here. Together, we continue the Levis JCC’s tradition of being the widest open doorway and key connector for our community.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 7:18 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:11 pm
Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai!
If you would like to support the Levis JCC and its programs and services, click below.
