April 5, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
With Passover upon us, I am writing this message to you from my son’s house in Arizona, and I am feeling full of emotion. This is my first trip back to Phoenix, where Lori, Noah and I spent 7 wonderful years. Last year at this time Lori and I were on a journey, driving cross country to make a new life in South Palm Beach County and for me to start work as President & CEO of the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC. Exactly one year later, we have the joy of celebrating Passover back in a city that meant a lot to our family, with our son and his new family. Reflecting over the past year, it’s been a journey of wonderful accomplishments and growth both for my family and for my new South Palm Beach County community.
This past Friday evening, in proud partnership with Keshet, a Jewish organization that works for the full equality of LGBTQ+ Jews and their families, The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, and 12 other Jewish organizations from across our community, the Levis JCC hosted the South Palm Beach County Community Pride Shabbat. More than 200 people gathered together to welcome Shabbat and to publicly mark International Transgender Day of Visibility. There was so much love and positivity as we gathered as a community to celebrate our Jewish heritage and all that we have in common, while also honoring all that makes each of us unique. I am tremendously proud to be a part of this welcoming community.
This week’s Torah Portion falls on Chol Hamoed Pesach which refers to the intermediate days of Pesach. Pesach, or Passover, marks the journey to freedom from slavery to nationhood for the Jewish people. Each of us has a personal journey, a family journey, and a community journey. Whatever your journey is, I truly hope it brings you to one (or many) of the wonderful Levis JCC programs and services we proudly present to our community, and that you feel welcome as a part of our Levis JCC family. I wish each of you health, happiness and peace. Zissin Pesach.
Shabbat begins Friday night at 7:22 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:16 pm
Shabbat Shalom and chag sameach!
