April 14, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This week, I am writing my message to you in the air, leaving Arizona after 9 wonderful days with our son Noah, his fiancée and two daughters, and their 2 dogs. We also had the chance to meet our soon to be in-laws who joined us for our first family interfaith Seder. It could not have gone better or been more meaningful. We enjoyed dinner a few days later at their lovely and warm home, and I am so happy that we are all off to a great beginning together as we join as one family.
This week also marks my one year anniversary as President & CEO of your Adolph and Rose Levis JCC. It has been an incredible year -- we have moved many programs and departments into our central location on campus at 95th Avenue South, we have raised millions of dollars during the “quiet phase” of our capital campaign, and we have grown our budget back to a high of $10 million. None of this is possible without all of your support. It truly takes a village.
This week’s Torah portion is Shemini (8th day) in the book of Leviticus, the 3rd in the Five Books of Moses. In it, are some of the laws of ritual purity, including the purifying power of the mikvah (a pool of water meeting specified qualifications) and the wellspring. The people of Israel are commanded to "differentiate between the impure and the pure."
As individuals, we define the ways and rituals that bring our families together. As a community, we define our priorities so that we can build a community we can all be so proud of. I wish you all a wonderful conclusion to your Passover celebrations.
Shabbat begins Friday evening at 7:25 pm
Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 8:20 pm
Shabbat Shalom!
