April 18, 2024
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I cannot write this week’s Shabbat message without expressing the deep emotion I felt as I became aware of and anticipated the strike of 300 missiles from Iran into Israel. Thankfully and seemingly miraculously, almost all of them were shot down, although seven did land in Israel, and a young Bedouin child was harmed. I am keeping her and her family in my thoughts. Even more miraculous was the coordinated defense lead by the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, France, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. We all wonder what comes next and pray for the safety of our beloved Israel.

Speaking of beloved, one of our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC’s beloved leaders, Judi Schuman, treated us to her lifelong passion for painting with an outstanding opening of her exhibit this week. “Judi's Passion,” an exhibition of her vibrant and beautiful art opened with a lovely reception chaired by Emily Grabelsky this past Sunday afternoon. Guests mingled and enjoyed light refreshments while Judi shared the inspiration behind her work as they viewed her collection. Judi's Passion is on display through May 22nd. For Judi, painting is telling a story visually. Whether from memories or photographs of places she has been to, her work is full of color, texture and contrasts. Come visit and enjoy this beautiful exhibition! Learn more here.
This week’s Torah portion is Metzora (Leper) in the book of the Leviticus, the 3rd in the Five Books of Moses. The parsha begins by detailing how the recovered “metzora” (leper) is purified by the Kohen (Priest) with a special procedure. In our world today, there seems to be so much impurity. When we come together for a program, an art exhibition, an event, a class, or a social gathering, the pure joy of sharing an experience is the “procedure” by which our Levis JCC helps bring our community together. When times are uncertain, challenging, or disheartening, being together as a strong community helps me focus on staying positive and looking for the “miraculous,” rather than the “impure,” in life.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:28 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:23 pm
Shabbat Shalom
Happy Passover
Am Yisrael Chai!
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