April 25, 2024

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
Let me begin by wishing each of you and your families a happy Passover. Also known as the Festival of Freedom, Passover is all about being together for Seder and retelling the story of how our ancestors, freed from slavery in Egypt, made the Exodus to Israel. Lori and I were delighted to join Levis JCC Immediate Past Chair Emily Grabelsky and her wonderful family for a beautiful Seder, while across the country in Arizona, our son Noah, Patricia and their girls enjoyed the first Seder at their local Chabad. They had a wonderful time, met new friends and are now enthusiastic about participating in more events and activities in their community. At the Seder, Noah recognized a second cousin who he had no idea had moved within 4 minutes of his home. He and his family, and Noah and his family celebrated a wonderful holiday all together. Even amid our joyful celebrations, at Seder tables around the world, our hearts ached for the 133 hostages that remain captive in Gaza. The place for the prophet Elijah felt especially lonely and poignant to me this year. We continue to pray for their safe return, and for peace in Israel and everywhere.
With Passover upon us, summer isn’t far behind, and our Adolph & Levis JCC offers a multitude of programs for our community. Our Levis JCC Marleen Forkas Camp summer program is bursting at the seams, but there are still a few spots open. Teenagers entering 9th grade can participate as a Leader In Training (LIT), and gain work and leadership skills. Teens entering 10th grade can work directly with the counselors as a Counselor In Training (CIT), building self-confidence and problem solving skills while earning community service hours. Our Levis JCC Shirley & Allan Solomon Family Theater Camp offers two four-week sessions for “theater kids” ages 7-16. The first session production is Beauty and the Beast and the second session production is The Little Mermaid. Campers also enjoy activities such as swim, carnival, lip sync battle, water slides and more, as well as lunches and snacks daily. Contact Alan Nash for availability AlanN@levisjcc.org. Learn more about all of our camp programs at levisjcc.org/camp.
This week’s Torah portion is designed for the third intermediate day of Passover. In it is a section describing Moses' receiving of the Second Tablets and G d's revelation to him of His Thirteen Attributes of Mercy, which concludes with the laws of the festivals (Exodus 34:1-26). When one of the "intermediate days" of Passover is Shabbat, as it is this year, this is the reading read on that day, and it begins 12 verses earlier, with 33:12). We needed to receive the second tablets because, sadly, the Israelites were not ready to accept the first set. Our world today is clearly equally “unprepared” and imperfect. The notion that collectively we will get there at some point is one of the things that keeps us moving forward.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:32 pm. Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:24 pm.
Shabbat Shalom
Happy Pesach!
Am Yisrael Chai!
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