May 18, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
What an exciting time of year! Florida sports fans are celebrating some major accomplishments -- our South Florida sports teams are on fire! Around our community and across the country, high school and college students are graduating, marking their achievements as they close one chapter of their lives and get ready to begin another. On a personal note, Lori and I look around the home we have made here in Boca with gratitude and pride.

Speaking of accomplishments, this week it was an honor to speak at each of our Levis JCC Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center’s three Pre-K graduation ceremonies. Surrounded by proud parents and grandparents shedding tears of joy, and seeing the sweet, smiling faces of our young graduates, I’m reminded of Dr. Suess’ famous words: “Oh the places (they’ll) go!” As they embark on their own next chapters, I am filled with pride that they and their families have chosen to make our Levis JCC Zale preschool a significant part of their Jewish journeys.
This week’s Torah Portion is Bamidbar (In The Desert), the first portion in the book of Numbers, the 4th in the Five Books of Moses. In it, while in the Sinai Desert, G-d says to conduct a census of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. As I stood onstage and looked out at the faces of our preschoolers, I realized that they will graduate high school in 2036. I will be long retired by then. It is a joy to know that our Jewish future and the future of our community will be in the hands of these wonderful human beings who have nothing but potential and opportunity in front of them. The world is theirs, and it will be our collective honor to see the wonderful things they accomplish.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:44 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:41 pm.
Shabbat Shalom!
