June 9, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This week, I had the pleasure of giving the D’var Torah at Donna Klein Jewish Academy’s Board Meeting on Tuesday evening. I was truly honored to be invited to set the stage for their meeting, especially since I am so new to this community. My comments focused on the subtle differences in a scenario of hell versus one of heaven. In my example, hell is a banquet table set with lovely china, exquisite silverware, and elegant table linens. Around the table very hungry people are seated, each with a steaming bowl of delicious-smelling matzah ball soup at their place. The problem is that these people have no elbows, and are therefore unable to feed themselves. They are perpetually starving, though food is right in front of them. In my example of heaven, it is the exact same scenario. The people still have no elbows, but the key difference is that they move their arms to the left and to the right – they feed others, and others feed them. No one goes hungry.
One way we feed each other is with nourishing and enriching opportunities to spend time together. Your Levis JCC offered another Eastside Pop Up Happy Hour Co-Chaired by Steve Clarfield, Eliot Popper and Shari Celler on June 8th at The Locale, Boca Raton. It was a terrific evening of socializing, networking, and connecting with like-minded professionals and our community. Sponsored by Eliot Popper, Lesser Lesser Landy & Smith, PLLC and The Locale, the evening was an opportunity to highlight the Levis JCC Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center and its role as a true hub of “Arts, Culture & Learning” in our community. We are grateful for the support of our Co-Chairs and the Eastside Committee: Loren Frieder, Emily Grabelsky, Marci Kessler, April Leavy, Nicole Marks, and Janet Rosenberg-Til. For more information about future Eastside events, contact Lauren at laurenk@levisjcc.org, 561-852-3257.
This week’s Torah portion is Naso (Census, or To Rise Up) in the book of Numbers, the 4th of the 5 books of Moses. In it, the headcount of the children of Israel is completed to determine who will be doing the work of transporting the Tabernacle in the desert. When we all work together in a collaborative spirit, and when we are strategic and plan full in what we want to accomplish, we truly can create heaven on earth. When we don’t, well, there is the alternative outcome none of us wants. I look forward to collaborating with each of you as we aspire to create the finest JCC as well as the finest Jewish community in North America.
Light candles Friday evening at 7:55 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:52 pm
Shabbat Shalom,
