June 22, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I write this message to you on the first official day of summer – even though it has felt an awful lot like summer for some time now! One of the benefits to being in Florida in summer is the proximity to wonderful water-related recreational options. Twice this week I had the very good fortune to enjoy going boating, once on a beautiful motorboat and once on a sailboat. These opportunities don’t come up very often, so when they do, I really appreciate them. Out on the water, I once again experienced the joy I felt as a young boy when I did something exciting for the first time. I love that feeling, and I’ll bet most of you do as well!

That same joyful feeling can be felt throughout our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s many programs. It’s especially apparent on campus right now, with our 4 Marleen Forkas Camps programs in full swing serving almost 700 campers. I’d like to spotlight Camp Kavod, which is designed for children ages 3-22 who have special needs. This summer, our Camp Kavod’s 9 groups are accommodating more than 100 campers! Some first-week highlights included: tie-dying, a visit with Personal Ponies, activities such as parkour, inflatables, fun with food and field trips to Gymnastics Plus, bowling and so much more! With very low staffing ratios, each child’s individual needs are met, while ensuring that they can experience and enjoy daily activities, field trips, and special entertainment.
This week’s Torah portion is Korach (the name of the main character) in the Book of Numbers, the 4th in the Five Books of Moses. In it, Korach incites a mutiny challenging Moses’ leadership and his granting of the Priesthood to his brother Aaron. Another 250 people join this mutiny but with G-d’s assistance, this insurrection is squelched, and the challengers destroyed.
The take-away is that authentic leaders are vital in our everyday lives. Whether we are sailing on a boat or providing a fun and safe summer at camp for our children, we rely on authentic leaders to assure that everything is running as it should.
Light candles on Friday night at 7:58 pm
Shabbat ends at 8:56 pm
Shabbat Shalom!
