June 23, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
As many of you likely recall, last week, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend a long weekend with my mom celebrating her upcoming 80th birthday. Those of you who are my friends on Facebook know that a good amount of Jewish soul food, as well as other fabulous ethnic morsels, were enjoyed and then some. My fear is that I will need to soon have to get my suits tailored…or else purchase new ones! This weekend, my wife Lori and I are finally heading to St. Louis to meet our now almost 2 month old granddaughter, Emi Lou, for the very first time. We just can’t wait for all the holding, hugging and squeezing to begin!

In about an hour or so I will be heading into the first of a series of security training sessions. This one is entitled Situational Awareness, led by our Jewish Federation colleague Alan Poland, Community Security Director. It is critical to not underestimate what a person like Alan means to us on our 100 acre campus. Ted Morris, Assistant VP, Security and Operations for our Jewish Federation was also present. We are so fortunate to have these professionals with their incredible credentials here to train us, and together with their teams, keep everyone on our campus safe and secure.
This week’s Torah portion is Shelach (Send) in the in the book of Numbers, the fourth of the five books of Moses. In it, Moses sends twelve spies to size up the local inhabitants in Canaan. Ten come back afraid, while Joshua and Caleb know that G-d’s will makes it certain they can indeed be defeated. Even back all those thousands of years ago, security, preparedness and vigilance was critical, and so it is today in our time.
Light Shabbat Candles Friday evening at 7:58 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:57 pm.
Shabbat Shalom,
