June 29, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
We haven’t quite entered into July, yet I have heard some people are already beginning to make their plans for Rosh Hashanah. Sometimes it’s just nice to have something wonderful to look forward to. On a personal note, Lori and I are looking forward to our 35th wedding anniversary in early October. We are excited to be returning to the same beautiful spot where we had our honeymoon all those years ago. With our son Noah’s wedding this coming April, we feel truly fortunate to have so many wonderful blessings.

What an incredible blessing it is to come to our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC each and every day. Our programming during the summer is heavily focused on Camp. Everywhere you go on campus, you can see groups of children and teens enjoying a variety of great activities. Here in our Levis JCC building, It is a joy to watch and listen to our Levis JCC Marleen Forkas Theater Camp campers as they rehearse and perform. These talented young people fill our halls with music, energy, and the sounds of kids having so much fun! I am very proud that we are able to offer this outstanding program for our local “theater kids” to enjoy and shine onstage!
This week’s double Torah portion is Chukkat-Balak. One of my favorite Torah quotes appears in Balak: “How good are the tents of Jacob the tabernacles of Israel.” Our Levis JCC “tent” is flourishing all year. Our summer camp programs are full, campus is alive with the energy of hundreds of children and counselors. Though we are in the midst of summer, Levis JCC staff and leadership are now looking forward – we’re hard at work planning another incredible season of Levis JCC programs and events.
Light candles Friday night at 7:59 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:56 pm.
Shabbat Shalom!
