June 30, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I’m writing this week’s Shabbat message while flying home to South Palm Beach County from my daughter and son in law’s home in Kirkwood, MO. What a wonderful long weekend it was! My wife Lori and I finally met our first grandchild, 2 month old Emi Lou. It certainly was worth the wait. All the things we were told by “seasoned” grandparents are absolutely true: there really is nothing like holding your grandchild for the first time. Emi Lou and I bonded during a 2 hour “contact nap,” and life will never be the same. I am filled with joy.
Here at home, we are in the midst of some very positive and exciting changes for our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center, a beloved community organization that is steeped in a wonderful history that spans four decades. This week marked a significant change for many of our treasured members – our Fitness Center is now closed. I know it’s hard, but I extend my sincere thanks to our wonderful Levis JCC members for their understanding and for sticking with us as we evolve into our next great iteration and begin an exciting new chapter.

Simply, what got us to where we are, will not take us to where we need to be for this vibrant and growing community. This big change is just the first step toward our bright future. We are very excited for many of our operations to be moving to the spacious new home of the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center on the North Campus over the next few weeks. We will be utilizing the full building. With a combined 22,000 square feet indoors and another 9,000 square feet outdoors, we have so much opportunity to serve the community with even more innovative and engaging programming; our Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center Arts, Culture & Learning programs will be enhanced with new and additional space. With more than 50,000 square feet of opportunity overall that includes our Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center, and Marleen Forkas Camps, both which will continue operating in their current locations, as well as our Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department, which will continue some of its programs in their current locations, while others will be relocated to the north campus, the sky is the limit. Our wonderful Resale Boutique will remain in its beautiful East Boca location. I would be very happy to take you for a tour of our new home at your convenience. E mail me at martyh@bocafed.org to set up some time to see for yourself how wonderful our new Center will be!
This week’s Torah portion is Korach (the name Korach) in the book of Numbers, the 4th, in the 5 Books of Moses. In it, Korach and his misguided followers try to take the Priesthood from Aaron. G-d confirms Aaron and his descendants as the true High Priests and he causes the charlatan Priests to perish. The false leaders were exposed and the legitimate leaders were recognized and prevailed.
Excellent, deeply committed and hardworking, generous leadership have made it possible for us to “sing a new song” at our Levis JCC. Together, I know we will build something that will make us all very proud and that will serve us, our children and our grandchildren so very well for many years to come.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:59 pm Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:56 pm
Wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July and Shabbat Shalom!
