July 11, 2024

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This Friday evening, Lori and I are very excited to be hosting another lovely group of 10 of our Board members at our home. It is such a nice way to get to know our leadership and we look forward to sharing a beautiful Shabbat dinner together. We have been hosting Shabbat dinners periodically since we moved to this community, and we really have made some wonderful friendships. We are both looking forward to another great evening of friends, food and fun!
Speaking of fun, I hope all of you runners (and walkers) will join us next Thursday, July 18th at South County Regional Park for our Paul Markhoff Racing With The J 14th Annual Levis JCC Run, Sweat & Beers 5K Run/Walk. The first 400 people to register will receive a commemorative finisher medal and dri-fit shirt! Beer from Barrel of Monks Brewery (for those 21+) and refreshments will follow the race at our post-race party. If you haven’t signed up, registration is still open (click here).
This week’s Torah portion is Chukat (Statutes) in the book of Numbers, the fourth of the Five Books of Moses. In it, the people thirst for water. G-d tells Moses to speak to a rock and command it to give water. Moses gets angry at the rebellious Israelites and strikes the stone. Water issues forth, but Moses is told by G-d that neither he nor Aaron will enter the Promised Land. The learning these thousands of years later is no less important than it was then. How we lead, how we conduct ourselves, and how we follow the mandates given to us matters very much. The consequences of doing so poorly can be quite severe.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 7:58 pm Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:54 pm
Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai!
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