July 13, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I am writing this message to you on my 59th and a half birthday. According to life insurance companies, that makes me 60 years old! As I approach the big 6-0, I’m focused on many wonderful things ahead both personally and professionally. I’m looking forward to my first visit to my brother’s home in Colorado, and my son’s wedding in early April, to name just a few. I am very aware of and grateful for the blessings of these opportunities.

Many wonderful things also lie ahead at our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC! In August, Board Chair Steve Clarfield will lead his first meeting of our Board of Directors, and we are excited that many new board members will be joining our committed and caring group of seasoned leaders. The teen athletes participating in our Levis Krug JCC Maccabi Games experience are getting ready for a transformative week of friendly competition and camaraderie August 6-11 in Fort Lauderdale. Our Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center teachers and staff are looking forward to warmly welcoming students back to school in mid-August. Plans are underway for many exciting events and programs this fall. Whether you enjoy live theater and lectures, or 5k races and Golf tournaments, or you seek programming for children, teens and adults with special needs, there is something planned for you here at our Levis JCC. We’re all looking forward to another exceptional year of programs for our community.
This week’s double Torah portion is Matot-Masei (Tribes and Journeys) found in the book of Numbers, the fourth in the 5 Books of Moses. In them, the Tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh ask Moses to settle lands east of the Jordan River. Moses is initially disturbed by the request, but he ultimately agrees on the condition that they first join and lead in Israel’s conquests west of the Jordan River. This brings to mind many current alliances. In a community, just as in the time of Moses, strength comes in partnership and visioning together for the future.
With each passing year, I notice the importance of community, the strength of connection, and the wonderful way being part of something bigger than any individual can impact life. I welcome you to come be a part of our Levis JCC – in ways big and small. In fact, I’m looking forward to it!
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 7:58 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:54 pm.
Shabbat Shalom!
