July 27, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
As an avid Boston Red Sox fan and a lifelong fan of Major League Baseball generally, I am really excited to see all the wheeling and dealing that I anticipate occurring over the next few days. It’s a fun time for baseball fans! It’s also been a fun summer weekend of movie-going for many, and Lori and I joined opening weekend crowds to see Oppenheimer. What an impressive cast and important movie.

Speaking of impressive, I’m humbled to be in some great company on August 3rd when I participate as one of the chefs at the Hanley Foundation’s 2nd Annual Boca Celebrity Cook-Off! I am very proud to join Levis JCC Honorary Board Member and Florida State Senator (and Cook Off 2022 Champion) Tina Polsky, as well as Jan Savarick and FAU’s Brian White for a fun evening for a great cause. This happy hour event, part of the Boca Chamber Festival Days, supports the Hanley Foundation’s mission to eliminate addiction through prevention, advocacy, treatment, and recovery support. The Hanley Foundation’s Director of Development (and new Levis JCC Board Member) Amy Gottlieb is the driving force behind this event. It’s always wonderful to come together in partnership to support our community. The opportunity for broad community partnership is one of the best aspects of leading the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center. Please come out and root for your favorite chef on Thursday, August 3rd from 5:30 pm-7:30 pm at the Waterstone Resort. There’s a discount if you purchase your ticket in advance. Click here for more information.
This week’s Torah portion is Vaetchanan (I Implored) in the book of Deuteronomy, the 5th and final book in the Five Books of Moses. In it, Moses describes the Exodus from Egypt as well as the Giving of the Torah as unprecedented events in human history. Throughout human history we have collectively experienced so many unprecedented events – both good and bad. One thing that is consistently clear is that when a community comes together in support of its most vulnerable members, when we connect with one another, when we value partnership and teamwork, wonderful things can happen.
Light Shabbat candles on Friday night at 7:52 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:47 pm.
Shabbat Shalom!
