August 4, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I am writing this Shabbat message to you from my new office at the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC at 21050 95th Avenue S. Same beautiful campus, totally different vibe. I’m so excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for all of us with this lovely building, its 22,000 square feet, plus an additional 9,000 square feet of outdoor space. Of course, our Levis JCC Zale preschool is about to ramp up another successful year in its same wonderful location, and our Levis JCC Marleen Forkas Camps will continue to operate their school break and summer camp programs in their traditional spaces throughout the year. While we’re on the topic of camp, I want to note that our summer 2022 camp season is coming to a close as you receive this email, and what a summer it has been! I am so proud of our team – it has been a wonderful summer filled with smiles and happy campers despite continuing to wrestle with challenges presented by Covid, for a third consecutive summer.
The Levis JCC Resale Boutique, located in East Boca Raton at The Shops at University Park (141 NW. 20th Street F5-F7) is so much more than a shopping experience. The wide variety of clothing, art, furniture, and home goods translates into shopping with a mission. Every sale generates income that directly supports the Levis JCC financial assistance and scholarship program, which supports families who would like to enroll their children in our preschool, summer camp, and/or special needs programs, but who may not be able to afford to do so. The essence of our Boutique is giving back to our community, and it does that in a variety of ways. In addition to supporting the financial assistance program, the Boutique is currently in the second successful month of a food and personal care items drive in partnership with and benefitting the Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (Rales JFS) Jacobson Food Pantry. The drive runs through the end of August, and is collecting essential items for those in need. Additionally, last week, our Boutique assisted another Ukrainian family by providing a household full of items and clothing. This family, who was referred to us from Rales JFS, now has the basic necessities to begin their new life in our community. This month Unicorn Village Academy students, who are young adults who have special needs, will be working in the store learning and building skills with their work coach. They usually will come once or twice a week and we so look forward to working with them.
This week’s Torah portion is Devarim (Words), the first chapter in the book of Deuteronomy, the 5th and final book of the 5 books of Moses. In it, Moses gives a message to his successor Joshua who will take the people into the land of Israel. “Fear them not, for the Lord your God, He shall fight for you.” I am so very honored and humbled to have been charged by our leadership to professionally lead our Levis JCC to its next great place in our Jewish community. I look forward to working with each of you as we create something special for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren, a true legacy that will serve our vibrant community for many years to come.
Light candles Friday evening at 7:47 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:40 pm.
