September 1, 2022
You are receiving this Shabbat message on September 1st, which truly blows my mind. That means that we are a few days away from Labor Day, and just 10 days away from my 5 month anniversary as CEO at your Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center (Levis JCC). Things are busy, and, as it always seems to do, time is flying by! In our “down time,” my wife Lori and I are watching “House of the Dragon,” which so far seems promising, as we both loved “Game of Thrones.”

At the Levis JCC, we just ended our fiscal year with an energetic and festive Board meeting – in person! – in our new home at 21050 95th Avenue S. We were very fortunate to have Dori Denelle, Vice President of JCC Association (JCCA) of North America with us. Dori is a BoardSource certified governance trainer who works with all JCCs and Jewish camping organizations on non-profit board governance excellence and board effectiveness, in addition to conducting JCC executive searches, staff training and leadership development. We are thrilled to be a member in good standing with the JCCA and we look forward to collaborating with our national organization as we continue to reimagine our Levis JCC and how it can best serve our community now and long into the future.
This week’s Torah portion is Shoftim (Judges) in the book of Deuteronomy, the 5th and final book in the 5 books of Moses. In it, the famous Jewish idea of “justice, justice thou shalt pursue” is declared. Justice, as we know, is the root of the concept of Tzedakah, which contrary to popular belief, is NOT defined as charity in Judaism, but rather as righteous responsibility. As we enter the season of the Yomim Noraim (Days of Awe), please remember your Levis JCC as you consider apportioning your tzedakah this year.
Light Shabbat Candles Friday evening at 7:21 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:13 pm.
Wishing each of you a Shabbat Shalom.
