September 7, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
With a beautiful Labor Day weekend behind us, many of us are beginning to prepare for the Jewish High Holidays. Before we joyously celebrate the Jewish New Year, though, we will collectively mark the somber anniversary of September 11th. In so many ways, we lost our innocence on that day, and our lives have really never been the same since. On a personal note, my daughter turns 30 this September 11th and each year, this date reminds me that even during the most difficult moments, rays of beautiful sunshine can be found.

Speaking of sunshine, there are so many ways to make the most of our vibrant and active community, both here at our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center, and also via various other wonderful organizations. Just this week, our Levis JCC Sandler Center announced an incredible 2023-2024 season of programs and events. You can view the whole catalog here. In the spirit of community collaboration, something so essential to our Levis JCC, I’d also like to call your attention to the Maccabi USA Pickleball Round Robin. While not a Levis JCC program, it’s a pleasure to help bring our community together, especially under the auspices of Maccabi USA. The tournament will be held Saturday, October 21st and 22nd. Register online at or contact Lee Rosenthal at 303-793-8333 or
This week’s double Torah portion is Nitzavim-Vayelech (Standing and Went) in Deuteronomy. The 5th and final book in the Five Books of Moses. In it, G-d reminds us that we possess freedom of choice: “Life and death I have set before you, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life.” It is a quote as relevant today as it was on that fateful September 11th more than two decades ago. In our darkest moments, we can choose to move forward. Even after our darkest times, we can choose to live, to build, and to grow. The choice, of course, is always ours.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 7:15 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday evening at 8:06 pm
Shabbat Shalom!
