September 8, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This has been a whirlwind week for us. Lori and I left for New Jersey on Friday for our niece’s wedding. Unfortunately, the weekend turned upside down when we learned of the sudden passing of Lori’s aunt, one day before the wedding and the morning of the rehearsal dinner. We managed to keep the sad news from the bride and groom until after the wedding, which was a wonderful and lovely simcha. Sadly, the next day we attended the funeral and first day of shivah. This topsy-turvy weekend was an example of what a rollercoaster life can truly be.

This experience really reminded me how important it is to try to enjoy all that life has to offer. In that light, we hope you will join us for all of the “good stuff” our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC makes possible. We have a full season of excellent programming planned. This year’s annual Golf Classic will take place on Thursday, October 27 at Addison Reserve. This popular event is held each year and honors longtime Levis JCC supporter and Board member Mel Gutmann’s memory and his legacy of service to the Jewish community. His children, Eric Gutmann and Lori Fineman, both past Presidents of our Board of Directors, and both currently part of our Levis JCC leadership, serve as Honorary Chairs. Stuart Ganslaw and Lou Shook are Co-chairs. Proceeds from the event benefit the programs and services of the Levis JCC. We hope you’ll join us – register here or contact Lauren Koblick at for more information. If golf isn’t your thing, there are a multitude of ways you can be involved in building and strengthening our community. I invite you to browse our website here to learn about all of the wonderful programs and services we offer.
This week’s Torah portion is Ki Teitzai (When You Go) in the book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book in the five Books of Moses. In it, 74 of the 613 commandments for the Jewish people are identified, including laws governing how we live our lives each day, and laws governing the burial and dignity of the dead. It mirrors our weekend: when we left South Palm Beach County on Friday, it was to celebrate the joyous beginning of a young couple’s new life together. We never imagined we’d be flying home after saying goodbye to a beloved relative. Each of us is on a journey in life that includes many ups and downs. One constant can be that we try to live each day to the fullest, making impact in meaningful ways, and creating lasting legacies for our families, loved ones, and our community.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 7:13 pm.
Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 8:42 pm.
Shabbat Shalom.
