September 14, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
We are at the end of the Jewish Year 5783. As we join Jews around the world in observance of Rosh Hashanah this weekend, it is really quite incredible that this is the second year of High Holidays that my wife Lori and I will celebrate in South Palm Beach County. We have made new friends, turned our house into our home, created roots in our community, and enjoyed our rewarding careers. We are grateful for the many joys our children and grandchildren bring, and remain grateful for the blessings of continued good health. It is a wonderful way to begin a new year.
Our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center is also in excellent “health” and Levis JCC staff and leadership are proud to conclude another successful fiscal year and enter into a new year full of possibility. Our new year of programming is off to a wonderful start. The Levis JCC Eastside series began with a pop up happy hour at AlleyCat in Boca Raton on September 6; more than 55 “Eastsiders” enjoyed cocktails and light appetizers while learning about the Levis JCC Marleen Forkas Camps program. Coming up just after the holidays is Aleeza Ben Shalom Live! on Monday, October 9th. The renowned matchmaker, dating coach, speaker, author, and star of the popular Netflix show “The Jewish Matchmaker” will bring her star power for an unforgettable evening of insightful relationship advice...and even a little matchmaking! Learn more at Following soon after, Men’s Night Out will be held on Thursday, October 12th at Strikes Cigar Lounge in Boca Raton. Register at These are just a few examples of the wide variety of special events planned for this season. Please visit to learn about all of our outstanding programs and events.
In this week’s Rosh Hashanah Torah reading, G-d remembers Sarah and gives her and Abraham a son, Isaac, and commands that he is circumcised when he is 8 days old. Rosh Hashanah begins the process of the 10 Days of Awe, which are all about self-reflection, forgiveness and renewal. May each of us use this High Holiday season to take stock, reflecting on the past year and look forward to a wonderful year to come. I wish each of you a year of happiness, good health, and the joy that comes when we feel connected to each other and to a vibrant, caring community. I sincerely hope your year will include joining us for the inspired programs at the Levis JCC.
Light Shabbat/Holiday candles Friday evening at 7:07pm.
Yontif ends Sunday night at 7:57pm.
Wishing each of you a Shanah Tovah U’metuka. A happy, healthy and sweet New Year.
Shabbat Shalom!
