September 21, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
With the conclusion of Rosh Hashanah, we are now in the midst of the Asseret Yemai Teshuva, the ten days of awe. I find it so interesting that according to Jewish tradition, we can make our peace with our creator relatively easily through prayer and sincere introspection and acknowledgement of our sins. The more difficult task before Yom Kippur is seeking out the humans who we believe we have wronged. We need ask them to forgive us and, according to tradition, are required to do so up to 3 times if necessary before we are absolved of our sins. Following this tradition, I take this moment to ask each of you, if I have wronged you in any way, knowingly or unknowingly, for forgiveness. I am sincerely sorry.

During this time of reflection, I am very proud to think back on the many wonderful ways the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center works with other community organizations to make life better for those in need. This is illustrated by the fine work of our Levis JCC Resale Boutique, which is continuing a very successful food drive in partnership with the Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services Jacobson Food Pantry. The need for food for those who cannot afford to eat is at a high right now, and the food drive will be extended for the next few months, so please consider stopping by the Resale Boutique in east Boca Raton and donating non-perishable foods and/or personal hygiene items.
This week’s Torah portion is Ha’azinu (Listen) in the book of Deuteronomy, the 5th and final book in the Five Books of Moses. It is also Shabbat Shuva or repentance/forgiveness and comes before Yom Kippur. In it, G-d instructs Moses to ascend the summit of Mount Nebo, from which he will behold the Promised Land before dying on the mountain. I sincerely hope that we all are inscribed in the Book of Life so that we not only behold the wonders of our community, but so that we can actively participate in creating more “wonders” in the coming year, and for many years ahead.
Light Shabbat Candles on Friday evening at 6:59 pm.
Shabbat concludes Saturday evening at 7:50 pm.
Light candles for Erev Yom Kippur on Sunday evening at 6:57 pm.
Yom Kippur ends Monday night at 7:48 pm.
Shabbat Shalom and I wish those of you who fast an easy and meaningful one.
