September 22, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I find it amazing that this is the last Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah 5783. This time last year, I could hardly have imagined that Lori and I would be Floridians again, happily settled here in South Palm Beach County and working on making our new house a home. A year ago, I had no way of knowing that I’d soon be CEO of the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, which is really full circle for me, as I began my Jewish professional career running a swim program for the Westchester JCC when I was in college, and spent a year as the Teen Director of the Riverdale YM-YWHA. At that time, I aspired to become the head of a JCC. Many years later, here I am, and I couldn’t be happier. Life can take some interesting twists and turns, and that was certainly the case for the Haberer family in 5782.

Speaking of new homes, this past Monday, our Levis JCC Board of Directors came together for Burgers & Bubbly in our new Bayit (home), a celebration and house-warming event. Karen Lazar, our Vice President of Board Engagement chaired this unique and fun program that featured a delicious dinner, a wine tasting, and an art project led by artist Chris Kram. Under Chris’s guidance, our Board affixed their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for our Levis JCC to a door, and in doing so, encapsulated the vision of our Levis JCC as the widest and most welcoming doorway for our community.
This week’s Torah portion is Nitzavim (standing) in the book of Deuteronomy, the fifth and final book in the Five books of Moses. In it, Moses proclaims, “life and death I have set before you, blessing and curse. And you shall choose life.” My wife Lori and I have chosen a life among all of you in this vibrant and growing community. As we approach Rosh Hashanah and a new year, I am filled with excitement and anticipation about the many possibilities and opportunities that are in store for our Levis JCC, both here in our new home, and out in the community.
Light Shabbat candles on Friday night at 6:58 pm. Shabbat ends Saturday night at 7:49 pm.
Wishing you and your families a Shana Tova U’mitukah. A happy, healthy and sweet New Year.
Shabbat Shalom,
