September 28, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
The holiday of Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles or booths, is coming up this weekend. Sukkot is rooted in the harvest and is one of the three Jewish Pilgrimage holidays. This year, my wife Lori and I will be making a sort of pilgrimage of our own. To celebrate our upcoming 35th wedding anniversary, we will be returning to the beautiful spot where we honeymooned all those years ago. I am ever so grateful to Lori for her endless love and support as we raised our family and built our lives together in five different communities over the past 35 years.

Speaking of support, invitations for the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s annual Golf Classic began arriving in mailboxes last week! Golfers and sponsors are invited to participate in this wonderful event that honors the memory of longtime Board member and Levis JCC supporter Mel Gutmann and benefits the Levis JCC’s programs and services. Please join us on Monday, October 30th at Stonebridge Country Club, a new venue for us this year. Click here to register.
This week’s Torah portion lists the annual festivals of the Jewish calendar: the weekly Shabbat, the bringing of the Passover offering, the seven day Passover festival, the bringing of the Omer offering, the Counting of the Omer culminating in Shavuot, a remembrance of Shofar blowing (Rosh Hashanah) a solemn fast day (Yom Kippur) and the Sukkot festival. Along with the laws of Kashrut, these festivals have become the bedrocks of Jewish tradition and observance. As we move through the remainder of the High Holidays, I look forward to seeing you at many of our Levis JCC programs. As we enter our “season” here in South Palm Beach County, please come check out all our Levis JCC has to offer. There’s something for everyone!
Light Shabbat/Holiday Candles Friday evening at 6:51 pm
Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 7:42 pm
Yontif ends on Sunday night at 7:41 pm
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach
