October 5, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I’m writing this week’s Shabbat message to you from Aruba, where Lori and I are enjoying the celebrations of Sukkot and our 35th wedding anniversary. Having not visited in over 3 decades, it is really lovely to be back here together.

At our Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, Tuesday we welcomed over 100 friends to Snacks in the Sukkah in partnership with PJ Library. Families enjoyed music with Dr. Emily, crafts and decorating the Sukkah. Our Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department also began their After School Enrichment program and participants enjoyed joining in the Sukkot celebration. Our Nina & Martin Rosenzweig West Boca Theatre Company has been holding auditions, and we are pleased to announce our new 2023-2024 Theater Season. Join us for what’s sure to deliver an engaging, compelling, and delightful live theater experience at the Levis JCC. Click here for show details and to purchase tickets.
As the Jewish High Holidays come to an end on Simchat Torah, the day on which we literally celebrate the Torah, we read the very end of Deuteronomy and the very beginning of Genesis. In the final verses of Torah, we read Moses’ blessing of the Israelites, offered before the prophet dies. For Lori and me, we begin looking toward our 36th year of married life together, our double chai anniversary. For our Levis JCC, it is another new beginning to a year filled with programming for community members of all ages to enjoy. We hope that you will join us!
Light candles Friday night at 6:44 pm
Light Holiday candles Saturday night at 7:35 pm
Simchat Torah ends Sunday night at 7:34 pm
