November 3, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
Today is the first Thursday in November. That means that our seasonal chevre (friends) are returning to their second home. Welcome back! We missed you and are so glad you are back here. I just returned from New York, where I attended the very lovely and unique wedding of one of my cousins. Officiated by an Orthodox Rabbi, the ceremony was traditional and beautiful. As we gathered at Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, Long Island amid spectacular fall foliage, we all looked on with joy and pride as two amazing young men stood under a gorgeous huppah (wedding canopy) and cemented their commitment to one another and to their Jewish heritage. It was a wonderful celebration of life and love, and I am honored to have been a part of it.

Back here at home, this week I attended the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s 31st Annual Book & Author Luncheon, part of our outstanding Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center programming. Four very compelling authors presented their latest work to an audience of nearly 450 people; Erica Katz, Fake: A Novel; Susan Coll, Bookish People: A Novel; Debra Green, The Convention of Wives: A Novel and Lisa Barr Woman On Fire: A Novel. I heard from so many people who raved about this luncheon and the quality of programming offered by our fabulous Levis JCC. Chairing our Literary Events is Myrna Lippman, and we are so grateful to her and all of the many volunteers and staff that make this event a smash hit each year.
This week’s Torah portion is Lech Lecha (Go Forth), the third portion in Genesis, the first Book in the Five books of Moses. In it, we are introduced to Abram (later Abraham), who is told to “go forth to the land that I will show you.” G-d gives Abram no location or any directions. Abram eventually succeeds in leading the nation that becomes Israel, our nation, to the land of Israel. As we approach our fourth decade at our Levis JCC, we too are going forth. Building on our strong foundation, we’re setting goals for our amazing future, exploring new ideas for programs and services, and following paths we have not traveled before. With your help, we too will blaze the trail to a vibrant and welcoming home for our entire community.
Light candles on Friday evening at 6:18 pm. Shabbat ends Saturday evening at 7:11 pm.
Shabbat Shalom,
