November 10, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
I am writing this week’s Shabbat Message to you on Election Day. Without getting particularly political, most of us are aware that our country has been split in half for quite a while now. The last several elections have been razor thin and the balance of power is as deadlocked as in any time I can recall in my 58 twirls around the sun. The outcome will be most interesting and will determine the direction our country is headed in at least for the next 2 years until the next presidential elections.

On a much lighter note, this past Sunday, we proudly opened the Women In The Visual Arts (WITVA) Exhibition in the Judi & Allan Schuman Museum Gallery here at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center. Hundreds of people joined us for this beautiful annual juried mixed media exhibition. A part of our Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center programming, this WITVA exhibition spotlights artwork by South Florida artists, including colorful paintings, bold sculptures, powerful photography, creative collages, prints and jewelry. The exhibit runs through December 15th. I hope you will pay us a visit and enjoy this inspiring and beautiful show.
This week’s Torah portion is Vayeira (Appeared) in Genesis, the first book in the Five Books of Moses. In it, G-d reveals Himself to Abraham three days after his circumcision at age ninety nine. But Abraham rushes off to prepare a meal for three guests who appear at his tent in the dessert heat. This act is an example of “loving kindness,” an idea strongly emphasized in our Jewish heritage. Welcoming visitors is something that brings me joy, pleasure and pride. We welcome all of you into “our” tent – our beautiful Levis JCC. If you would like a personal tour of our space, please contact to set up a time. I look forward to welcoming you!
Light Shabbat candles on Friday night at 5:14 pm
Shabbat ends on Saturday night at 6:08 pm
Shabbat Shalom,
