November 23, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
This is the second Thanksgiving my wife Lori and I are celebrating here in South Palm Beach County, and I can’t recall 2 years flying by so quickly! We are both so grateful for the beautiful home we have made here, for our new friends, and for all that has been achieved at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center in such a short time. We are also aware though, that at this time of gathering together to celebrate and give thanks, it is also a time of anxiety and stress for our global Jewish community. It feels important to acknowledge this, as we pause to enjoy our holiday. I am thankful for this community and the great privilege it is to be among its many dedicated leaders.

No Thanksgiving in South Palm Beach County would be complete without our Levis JCC’s Paul Markhoff Racing With the J Turkey Trot 5K. Today more than 1,800 community members walked, ran or trotted at our 15th annual 5K Race and Youth 1 Mile Fun Run, which has become a local tradition for so many. We sincerely thank our generous sponsors and supporters for making this incredible event possible -- it’s a wonderful way for our entire community to begin the festive day!
This week’s Torah portion is Vayeitzei (And He Left) in Genesis, the first in the 5 books of Moses. In it, Jacob encounters “the place,” where he sleeps and dreams of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, with angels climbing and descending it. G-d appears and promises that the land upon which he lies will be given to his descendants. We continue to see G-d’s commitment of the land of Israel to and for the Jewish people. This promise is at once both striking and reassuring during these difficult times as Israel’s neighbors openly seek her annihilation. On this Thanksgiving Day, as we all reflect on things we are grateful for, I hope the past 75 years of the State of Israel is included.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 5:10 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 6:05 pm.
Shabbat Shalom
Happy Thanksgiving
Am Yisrael Chai!
