December 14, 2023
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
So far this Chanukah, my wife Lori and I haven’t had to light candles without at least one of our children and their families Face-timing with us. It really has made this particular Chanukah extra special. Both of our children are part of interfaith households, and we love seeing how much their non-Jewish partners and children are enjoying lighting the candles with us. Chanukah has a wonderful way of bringing families together and invigorating Jewish pride. At this pivotal moment in Jewish history, that is particularly welcome.

I am very proud to share that our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center’s Zale preschool community granted 168 Chanukah wishes to the children of JAFCO (Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options). Members of our Early Childhood Committee went to JAFCO to wrap presents for the children and presented JAFCO with a check for $1,800—tzedakah collected on Shabbat each Friday from our generous Zale families. The Chanukah spirit continued with our Zale preschool teachers writing Chanukah cards with heartfelt messages to a troop of IDF soldiers. The cards will be sent along with delicious cookies generously donated by Simmi’s Bakehouse, a bakery owned by one our Zale families.
This week’s Torah Portion is Miketz (At The End), in the book of Genesis, the first in the Five Books of Moses. In it, Joseph advises that Egypt prepare for lean years that will follow the prosperous ones they were experiencing at that moment. Doing so positions Egypt as the only place with food when the famine actually strikes, and positions Joseph as a great and visionary leader in Egypt. During this critical moment in Israel, as the IDF battles in Gaza, the decisions our leaders make today will determine the prosperity of Israel and perhaps our people for many years to come.
Light Shabbat candles Friday evening at 5:12 pm.
Shabbat ends Friday night at 6:09 pm. Happy
Chanukah and Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai!
