December 15, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
The weather here in South Florida has finally turned! My wife Lori and I are enjoying our newly updated outdoor “Zen room” and we really can’t wait for the completion of our swimming pool renovation. It’s been a pleasure for us to spend time with relatives and friends visiting this past week. It is such a busy time for all of us as the calendar year winds down.

Here at your Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, though, things are anything but winding down! Health & Wellness continues to be a priority; our weekly SilverSneakers classes are very well attended and continue to grow. The Saturday Yoga & Sound healing classes powered by Indigo Gap also continue to be a weekend favorite. Classes are running every other Saturday and you can sign up by contacting With the festive season upon us, there are many ways to prioritize your health and wellness here at our Levis JCC. Make some time for yourself and come check us out!
This week’s Torah portion is Vayeshev (Settles) in Genesis, the first book in the Five Books of Moses. In it, we are introduced to Jacob’s favorite son, Joseph. He is one of 12 sons who resent Jacob and plot against him. Time after time, Joseph finds himself in challenging situations, even being imprisoned after being falsely accused of forcing himself on the wife of his master in Egypt. After he helps a fellow inmate, a baker, get released from prison by correctly interpreting his dream, the baker breaks his promise to Joseph to speak on his behalf and try to get him released as well. Through all the trials and tribulations, Joseph never loses his cool and never feels sorry for himself.
Like Joseph, each of us controls our perspective and how we interpret the circumstances of our lives. Each of us chooses how we react to the curves that life throws at us. A wonderful way to try to stay positive and live each moment to the fullest is to keep connected to our Levis JCC and this warm and caring community. With a wide variety of programs, services, and events, there is something here for everyone. Join us – we’d love to see you here at our Levis JCC.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 5:13 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 6:09 pm.
Shabbat Shalom,
