Programs & Classes

Our 2023-2024 Season will include both virtual and in person programs. All programs are in person unless noted. Virtual programs will be streamed via Zoom and in person programs will be presented at the Levis JCC Sandler Center (unless otherwise noted).

Join us for thought-provoking, engaging discussions on a variety topics.

If you need assistance purchasing tickets or membership, call the Box Office at 561-558-2520.

LEVIS JCC SANDLER CENTER | 21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL | 561-558-2520

*Important: please note that when arriving to our campus for evening and Sunday events, you must use the 95th Avenue S. entrance
(off of Glades Road between Lyons Road and 441).

Programs, Classes and Lessons

Beginner Mah Jongg

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Each session is 4 classes
$110 each session, Gold and Gold Plus Members: $90, Platinum Members: $60

Session 1: June 24, 26, July 1, 3
Session 2: July 8, 10, 15, 17
Session 3: August 12, 14, 19, 21

Students are required to bring a 2024 National Mah Jongg League card. The card can be purchased from:
Pah and Mah Jongg, 6634 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33446 (954) 975-5838 or through the National Mah Jongg League, , (212) 246-3052. If you purchase here, make sure that the card will arrive in time for the start of class.

Be extremely wary about purchasing through Amazon as some of their vendors have been sending fake cards! Please note that the card is under copyright and cannot be photocopied.

Beginner Canasta

Tuesdays and Thursdays, see times below
Each session is 4 classes
$110 each session, Gold and Gold Plus Members: $90, Platinum Members: $60

Session 1: June 18, 20, 25, 27; 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Session 2: July 9, 11, 16, 18; 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Session 3: August - No classes

Ongoing Weekly Classes

Via Zoom
Please call 561-558-2520 for the summer schedule

Free for all virtual members, $10 for non-virtual members

The Ladies Room with Trudy Berlin, M.A.

Tuesdays, 10:00 am
Guided by the remarkable 101 year old Trudy Berlin, learn to embrace the wisdom, creativity and personal growth that comes with aging. The sense of connection and meaning that come from honest discussion and mutual support sustain us.

The Women's Wisdom Circle with Liz Sterling

Wednesdays, 10:30 am 
Share, explore and support one another through intelligent and heartfelt conversations. Whether you’re looking to fulfill your purpose, uncover blind spots, embrace gratitude, interpret your dreams or shift your perspective, the focus is on making life matter now!

Making the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life with Marilyn Charwat

Thursdays, 11:30 am
We are all struggling to find the better way to live! How do we handle life’s pain, losses and defeats so that, no matter what, life feels sweet and fulfilling? The secret is in our thinking. Join us for this weekly interactive discussion group about acquiring the life tools for living a more joyous and fulfilling life.

Cultural Council Discover The Palm Beaches