April 10, 2024

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),

Lori and I arrived back in town from Phoenix on Tuesday morning, and we both hit the ground running. My whirlwind day back at our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center included several meetings, while our Center buzzed with the usual full day of wonderful programs, including a full house for the final presentation in our “A Literary Afternoon” featuring author Aaron Hamburger presenting his novel Hotel Cuba. That evening I attended our Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s Annual Meeting, which celebrated a healthy and growing annual campaign as well as an additional $4.1 million raised for the Israel Emergency fund. Kol Hakavod!

Our Levis JCC’s Annual Meeting is coming up on May 7th. Co-chaired by George Feld and Larry Wachtel, the theme this year is “Lighting the Way.” We look forward to installing our new Board of Directors, acknowledging those who are stepping down and recognizing three outstanding volunteers: Hannah Klein, Irene Greene, Sheryl Rosenthal.

This week's Torah portion is Tazria (conceives) in the book of Leviticus, the third in the five Books of Moses. The Parshah continues the discussion of the laws of tumah v’taharah, ritual impurity and purity. The Levis JCC's Annual Meeting, much like the Annual Meeting of our Jewish Federation and so many of our other partner agencies, represents the very best aspects of our Jewish community. It represents service in its purest form.

Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:25 pm Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:19 pm

Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai!

If you would like to support the Levis JCC and its programs and services, click below.

CEO Marty - Signature
