April 21, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
As I complete my second week here in South Palm Beach County, my wife Lori and I have so much to be grateful for. To begin our new lives here by being invited to not one but two beautiful Seders was incredibly comforting for us.
Also, thankfully, our things were delivered to our home via our moving company. Yes, some things were broken, and other things were lost, but the important thing is that we are here, together, and ready for this next chapter. We are happy to have this phase of this adventure behind us. Now we are focused on unpacking and getting rid of all those boxes!

At our Levis JCC, my first week culminated with our “Shine Like A Star Luncheon,” which was a huge success. It was very exciting meeting everyone in person! The feedback that we have received about the program has been so positive and heartwarming. I’m sending a big thank you to Nicole Ruderman, Chair of our Levis JCC Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department and to our amazing co-chairs Judy & Richard Fein, Debra & Jim Hall, Barbara & Arnold Ruderman, Naomi Shapiro, and Roberta Simons, as well as a huge shout out to Jason Solodkin for sharing his & Lori’s very touching personal story. I had the privilege of sitting with Helene Schwedelson, who, with her husband Roy, was instrumental in founding the department that is named for them. As we listened to the speakers, it was wonderful to share the pride that we collectively feel about these programs, and the way our Levis JCC, and our community prioritizes those with special needs and their families. The fundraising results for this event surpassed our expectations, which shows me that this community really “shines” when we come together for a wonderful cause.
This week’s Haftorah reading on the eighth day of Passover is from Isaiah 10:32-12:16. The prophet tells us that G-d will gather the exiled Jews from all over the world, to bring them back home to the Holy Land. At that time, Israel will sing G-d’s praises, thanking Him for all that he did and does for them. As we exit the Passover holiday once again this year and head towards the holiday of Shavuot, I marvel at where we are as a people all these thousands of years later and that our communities and organizations continue to strive to “sing a new song” and to take us to even greater places for our children and grandchildren.
Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:30 pm
Pesach ends on Saturday night at 8:25 pm
Chag pesach sameach and Shabbat shalom,
