May 5, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
It has now been one week since my wife Lori and I became grandparents to our first grandchild, sweet Emilia Louise Pajda, and are so excited to see her in person at the end of this month. Everyone has been such good sports as I have inundated Facebook with pictures of our delicious Emi Lou. I promise to ease up on the photos now!
Last night I had the pleasure of attending my second annual meeting event since joining this very special community 3 short weeks ago, the “Family Reunion” JFS Annual Meeting. Our community heard important messages from CEO Danielle Hartman and board Chair Stephen Mendelsohn. Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services offers help, hope and humanity through their comprehensive range of programs and services which support people of all ages and beliefs. I join my Levis JCC leadership and colleagues in offering Rales JFS a hearty mazal tov for the fine work being done there every single day.

Our own Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center 2022 Annual Meeting is next up – it’s being held on Thursday May 12th at 5:30 pm in person in Zinman Hall. Along with my one-of-a-kind Board President Emily Grabelsky and several others, I look forward to sharing some of my vision for our very bright and promising future. Special thanks and congratulations to our annual meeting co-chairs, Bonnie Schweiger & Matt Garaway for their efforts.
This week’s Torah portion is Kedoshim (holy) in Leviticus, the third book in the five books of Moses. The portion identifies dozens of Mitzvot (good deeds) that our people are commanded to perform. One of those is the act of Tzedakah (justice/responsibility). What better way to highlight all the wonderful good deeds that we make possible each and every day at the Levis JCC than by celebrating our past year of accomplishments at our 2022 Annual Meeting. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, you can do so here. I hope you will join us and help me get to know as many of you as I possibly can. What a joy!
Shabbat begins Friday night at 7:37 p.m.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:33 p.m.
Shabbat Shalom
