July 25, 2024

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),

Today is “getaway day” for my family. Lori, Noah, Patricia, Gabby, Ollie and I will be enjoying Disney World for a few days. It is the first time Lori and I are visiting since we took our two young children 25 years ago! This time, as grandparents, is very special! We may even run into excited happy campers from our Marleen Forkas Summer Camp, who are on a two-day overnight trip to Disney World! It’s just one of the many things that truly makes our Levis JCC Marleen Forkas Camps program so wonderful.

While summer is of course a time for our Camp program to shine, there’s so much more happening at our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center.

Our Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center’s Summer of Culture offers a variety of fabulous programs, including a variety of wonderful films presented by our Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival year-round programming. Our Nina & Martin Rosenzweig West Boca Theatre Company presents a staged reading of “Rounding Third: A Comedy by Richard Dresser” on Sunday, July 28th at 2:00 pm. Passionate about art? Enjoy “An Afternoon at the Boca Raton Museum of Art” on Thursday, July 25th at 1:00 pm. Information about all of these programs can be found online here.

If health and wellness is your interest, consider joining us for SilverSneakers®. Classes are offered daily Monday through Friday at 12:00 pm and 1:15 pm in our exercise room. Our classic exercise, yoga stretch and chair stretch classes are designed for active adults and can be free through some insurance companies! Learn more here.

This week’s Torah portion is Pinchas (He who avenged G-d’s name) in the book of Numbers, the fourth of the Five Books of Moses. In it, Moses empowers Joshua to succeed him and lead the people into the Land of Israel. Levis JCC leadership and staff have been working on a comprehensive business plan for the coming year and are embarking on a long-term strategic planning process. Like the tradition of planning succession outlined in this portion, the Levis JCC remains committed to building on our more than 40-year history of strength and planning for growth and success for many, many more years to come.

Light Shabbat Candles on Friday night at 7:52 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:47 pm

Shabbat Shalom
Am Yisrael Chai!

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