August 25, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),

My wife Lori and I just recently finished season 2 of “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” and really enjoyed binging that series. Now we are onto season 4 of West World. I’d love to hear from you what you are watching these days. Don’t be shy to hit the reply button!

I am pleased to report that I am in my 4th week in my new office at the new Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center at 21050 95th Avenue S. I invite you to contact my assistant, Elana Teller, at to schedule some time to come by for a DREAMTOUR to see our newly added space, and to tell you about our exciting future plans. We have added new program space for our growing Jewish community, and are very excited to be able to add even more programs and services for ALL ages and stages. “Community is our middle name”—for nearly 40 years, our Levis JCC has been at the heart of this vibrant community and we are focused on our next chapter and our bright, exciting future.

We welcome you to be a part of our extended family. Parents, sign up your children for soccer (and so many other programs)—we want you here! Registration for Soccer for Fall 2022 is open. In this program, children will build skills and increase speed in either our Saturday indoor classes for ages 7-12 or Sunday outdoor classes for ages 3-13. Register at

This week’s Torah portion is Re’eh (See). In it, the mitzvah of charity is noted and obligates a Jew to aid a needy friend with a gift or a loan. As we approach the Jewish High Holiday season, I hope you might consider your Levis JCC as you make your charitable contributions this holiday season. As the name of the Parsha indicates…please do come and SEE our wonderful new 31,000 square feet (more than 50,000 square feet of space in total) of opportunity at your new Levis JCC.

Light Shabbat candles Friday night at 7:28 pm.
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:20 pm.

Wishing each of you a Shabbat Shalom.

CEO Marty - Signature
