October 12, 2023

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),

This Shabbat message is like no other I have ever written. As the reality of what happened in Israel this past weekend unravels on news broadcasts and social media each day, I know so many of us are grappling with many emotions. We are worried for our dear families and friends in Israel. The shock is giving way to deep sadness for many of us. Our entire community joins Jews everywhere in unwavering solidarity and support for our brothers and sisters in Israel. We pray for a swift end to this war.

On Monday evening, our Levis JCC presented Aleeza Ben Shalom LIVE, which was truly an extraordinary evening of community and solidarity. More than 175 people came together for a moving and inspiring program that served as a light in this very dark moment. It was truly an honor for our Levis JCC and our community to offer a warm and loving welcome for Aleeza, who arrived earlier that morning after a long, emotional, and exhausting journey from Israel. On Tuesday evening, I joined the gathering of more than 1200 people at Congregation B’nai Israel for our Jewish Federation’s Stand With Israel Rally, and again, I felt the comfort of being together in community to pray, to cry, and to hope. I felt the very essence of “Am Yisrael Chai” – the power of the strength and spirit of the Jewish people.

This week’s Torah portion is Bereishit, (In the Beginning), the very first chapter in Genesis, the first book in the Five Books of Moses. How apropos that we read about the creation of all at this time of such destruction and sadness. As our special guest Aleeza shared with our audience on Monday, each of us – every one – has the ability to be a light, and together that energy can light up the world. We all need a little light right now. I offer peace and consolation to all those who are mourning in Israel and among us. I know you all join me. For those wishing to provide financial support, our Jewish Federation is accepting contributions to its Israel Emergency Campaign, please click here.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Light candles Friday evening at 6:36 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 7:28 pm

Shabbat Shalom

CEO Marty - Signature
