October 20, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), The High Holidays for 5783 have come and gone, leaving me with the feeling that these past few weeks have been a lovely and reflective time (and maybe with a few extra pounds too!). Lori and I have now passed the six-month mark here in our new community. We are very excited that our son Noah will be going on a Birthright mission to Israel in January, and that we will be visiting our daughter Danielle, son in law Colin, and granddaughter Emi Lou in St. Louis over the winter holidays.

October 13, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), As the Jewish High Holiday season continues to unfold, my wife and I are appreciative of the very meaningful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services we’ve attended, as well as dinners with new friends and family here in our new South Palm Beach community.

October 6, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), I am writing this week’s message to you on Erev Yom Kippur. Our first Yom Kippur in South Palm Beach County, it also marks 6 months since we moved to town. So much has happened in our lives since then, and I am reminded of what a joy it has been to make new friends and to contribute to the growth and success of our new community. Lori and I will also be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary on October 9th. Where have the years gone?

September 29, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), I’m writing this week’s Shabbat message on the second night of Rosh Hashana—from our guest bathroom. I have no choice, as it’s the only room in our house without windows, and Lori and I are riding out the tornado warning that is covering our area. It’s a good opportunity to reflect!

September 22, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), I find it amazing that this is the last Shabbat before Rosh Hashanah 5783. This time last year, I could hardly have imagined that Lori and I would be Floridians again, happily settled here in South Palm Beach County and working on making our new house a home. A year ago, I had no way of knowing that I’d soon be CEO of the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, which is really full circle for me, as I began my Jewish professional career running a swim program for the Westchester JCC when I was in college, and spent a year as the Teen Director of the Riverdale YM-YWHA. At that time, I aspired to become the head of a JCC. Many years later, here I am, and I couldn’t be happier. Life can take some interesting twists and turns, and that was certainly the case for the Haberer family in 5782.

September 15, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), We are now just 10 days away from celebrating Rosh Hashanah and the year 5783. On the home front, Lori and I are now in our beautiful home here in South Palm Beach County for 5 months, and our current project is a backyard renovation that includes chipping out our swimming pool. This project is both terrifying and exciting, as at the moment, the yard looks like something from the surface of the moon.

September 8, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), This has been a whirlwind week for us. Lori and I left for New Jersey on Friday for our niece’s wedding. Unfortunately, the weekend turned upside down when we learned of the sudden passing of Lori’s aunt, one day before the wedding and the morning of the rehearsal dinner. We managed to keep the sad news from the bride and groom until after the wedding, which was a wonderful and lovely simcha. Sadly, the next day we attended the funeral and first day of shivah. This topsy-turvy weekend was an example of what a rollercoaster life can truly be.

September 1, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), You are receiving this Shabbat message on September 1st, which truly blows my mind. That means that we are a few days away from Labor Day, and just 10 days away from my 5 month anniversary as CEO at your Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center (Levis JCC). Things are busy, and, as it always seems to do, time is flying by! In our “down time,” my wife Lori and I are watching “House of the Dragon,” which so far seems promising, as we both loved “Game of Thrones.”

August 25, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), My wife Lori and I just recently finished season 2 of “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” and really enjoyed binging that series. Now we are onto season 4 of West World. I’d love to hear from you what you are watching these days. Don’t be shy to hit the reply button!

August 18, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), Now in our 5th month here in South Palm Beach County, my wife Lori and I continue to settle into our new community and continue to acclimate to our new roles: mine here at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center and Lori working remotely for a law firm in Phoenix. In our spare time we continue to make our new house in Boca Raton into our home. Impact storm windows, pavers and barn doors among other construction materials are the talk around our dinner table these days. This week we will receive our second overnight guest when Lori’s older brother comes to visit.

August 11, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), Florida in August! Outside it’s hot, humid, sticky, and uncomfortable, but things are heating up in a much more positive way inside our new space at the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center. It is so nice to see a full parking lot, even on a Wednesday night after 8:00 pm! In addition to all of the wonderful Levis JCC programming happening, we have also been welcoming guests to our new space.

August 4, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), I am writing this Shabbat message to you from my new office at the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC at 21050 95th Avenue S. Same beautiful campus, totally different vibe. I’m so excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for all of us with this lovely building, its 22,000 square feet, plus an additional 9,000 square feet of outdoor space.

July 28, 2022

This Shabbat is the last Shabbat for the month of July. How are we already heading into August signaling the end of camp and the beginning of the new school year? As I come to the end of my 4th month on the job as your Adolph & Rose Levis JCC CEO, it is truly a joy to be engaging with our campers through the weekly Oneg Shabbat program and through Color War. This week we are also making the big physical move from our historic location on Donna Klein Boulevard to our new home on 95th Avenue S., aka the North Campus. Beginning this Monday, the move to our new location will be complete, however, Zale will continue to operate from its historical location.

July 21, 2022

As we enter the last week of July, I make reference to the baseball term “the dog days of summer,” a term used to describe the month of August as teams fight it out for a playoff spot before the MLB regular season moves to an end in September. After 7 years “away,” I am once again back in Florida during July, and it is everything I remember my previous 13 summers here to be. It is a particularly odd time to be moving from one part of campus to another, but that is exactly what we are doing. This week, our Marketing Department moved into their new offices in the new Adolph & Rose Levis JCC on the North Campus. Our other departments will follow over the next 2 weeks with our transition being complete after the first week of August. All the while, we continue to have a stellar summer camp season with only 2 weeks to go and 6 weeks already in the rear view mirror.

July 14, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), This is the first week in in almost a month that Lori and I were not engaging in catching up with family. As you’ve read each week, it was so good to be with the people I cherish most, making memories and enjoying quality time together. That said, it really was nice, though, to spend a weekend here in Boca focusing on making our house a home: adding paintings to the walls, cute tables in empty spaces and even a cozy chair and ottoman for our sitting room. We also started to binge watch season 4 of Stranger Things (surprisingly spooky)! Quality family is precious; some “down time” is essential.

July 7, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), There’s just nothing like family. This week marks the end of a great trifecta of special family time for me. As I’ve shared with you all, first I visited my mom in Queens to celebrate her 80th birthday, then Lori and I headed to Missouri for a visit with our daughter and son in law, and spent some wonderful time meeting our first grandchild. This week, our son Noah, who lives in Phoenix, came for his first visit to Boca Raton. These past three weeks have been filled with the special happiness that comes from spending time with the people you love most. Family is everything, and that also rings true at our Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center.

June 30, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), I’m writing this week’s Shabbat message while flying home to South Palm Beach County from my daughter and son in law’s home in Kirkwood, MO. What a wonderful long weekend it was! My wife Lori and I finally met our first grandchild, 2 month old Emi Lou. It certainly was worth the wait. All the things we were told by “seasoned” grandparents are absolutely true: there really is nothing like holding your grandchild for the first time. Emi Lou and I bonded during a 2 hour “contact nap,” and life will never be the same. I am filled with joy.

June 23, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), As many of you likely recall, last week, I was blessed with the opportunity to spend a long weekend with my mom celebrating her upcoming 80th birthday. Those of you who are my friends on Facebook know that a good amount of Jewish soul food, as well as other fabulous ethnic morsels, were enjoyed and then some. My fear is that I will need to soon have to get my suits tailored…or else purchase new ones!

June 16, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), This weekend my brother and I will be in New York, visiting our mom to celebrate her upcoming 80th birthday. It’s is a pretty major milestone for all of us. It is also my first trip out of South Palm Beach County since Lori and I moved to town 8 weeks ago. I am looking forward to a few days in Queens, and of course, enjoying some New York soul food -- Jewish and other ethnic delicacies as well. Pizza will definitely be involved!

June 9, 2022

Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends), This week, I had the pleasure of giving the D’var Torah at Donna Klein Jewish Academy’s Board Meeting on Tuesday evening. I was truly honored to be invited to set the stage for their meeting, especially since I am so new to this community. My comments focused on the subtle differences in a scenario of hell versus one of heaven. In my example, hell is a banquet table set with lovely china, exquisite silverware, and elegant table linens. Around the table very hungry people are seated, each with a steaming bowl of delicious-smelling matzah ball soup at their place. The problem is that these people have no elbows, and are therefore unable to feed themselves. They are perpetually starving, though food is right in front of them. In my example of heaven, it is the exact same scenario. The people still have no elbows, but the key difference is that they move their arms to the left and to the right – they feed others, and others feed them. No one goes hungry.