Levis JCC Community Events 2024-25

LAUREN KOBLICK | Vice President, Special Events | 561-852-3257 | laurenk@levisjcc.org

ILANA DUCORSKY | Director, Community Engagement | 561-852-3268 | ilanad@levisjcc.org

View our calendar for a list of current dates for these events and more »

Annual Fundraisers

Levis JCC Gutmann Family Golf Classic
Generously sponsored by the Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Family Foundation, this event continues a tradition of honoring longtime Levis JCC supporter and Board member Mel Gutmann's memory and his legacy of service to the Jewish community. The Levis JCC Golf Classic features 18 holes of championship-like golf and a post-play dinner reception honoring individuals and foursomes for their accomplishments on the golf course. All proceeds directly benefit programs of the Levis JCC.

Marisa & Matthew Baker Jeans, Jewels & The J
This annual signature event is a fun-filled evening of dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions as we celebrate the organization and its committed supporters. It's also our moment to proudly honor outstanding community leaders with the Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Crystal Award, and Shirley & Allan B. Solomon Leadership Award. The event directly supports programs presented to our community through Levis JCC’s departments, specifically a robust scholarship and financial aid program which enables hundreds of children to participate in preschool, special needs and summer camp programs that they would otherwise not be able to attend.

Special Night for Special Needs
This special event is a warm way to recognize our Dream Builders, caring individuals who priortitize supporting special needs programming in our community, while showcasing the outstanding work of the Levis JCC’s Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department and the positive impact they have on so many families. Each year, we pay tribute to a special Dream Builder and a teen is recognized with the Yad B'Yad - Hand in Hand Teen Leadership Award.

Shine Like A Star Luncheon
This special afternoon features an inspiring guest speaker, silent auctions and lunch in support of the Levis JCC's Helene & Roy Schwedelson Special Needs Department. The Schwedelson Special Needs Department enhances the lives of children, teens and adults with disabilities by providing high quality social, cultural, recreational and educational programming.


Paul Markhoff Racing with the J 5Ks
Whether you run, walk or just come to cheer, the Levis JCC’s 5K Races bring fitness, fun and community together. Proceeds from the Racing with the J 5Ks benefit Levis JCC programs and services utilized by children and families in our community.

• Run, Sweat & Beers 5K Run/Walk
Annually in July, we run in the setting summer sun. Our post-race party features a DJ, food and beer (for those 21+).

• Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk
Every year on Thanksgiving Day, the whole family flock joins this local tradition as they run, walk or trot their way to the finish line. The 5K race begins at 7:30 am and the Youth 1 Mile Fun Run starts at 8:30 am. Proceeds from the Turkey Trot benefit Levis JCC programs and services utilized by children and families in our community.

View our race page here »


JBiz Business Networking Events
A series of business networking events featuring an expert guest speaker, over a 3 course lunch at the Farmer's Table.

Eastside Pop Up Happy Hour
A series of networking and pop-up happy hours that bring the Levis JCC magic from West Boca Raton to our neighbors across town, while supporting the programs and services of the Levis JCC. Attendees enjoy socializing and learning about the variety of quality Levis JCC programs and services offered to our community throughout the year.

North End Pop Up Happy Hour
Building on the very successful series of Eastside pop-up happy hours program, we’re bringing this brand new series of networking happy hours to our neighbors to the North. Look for events in West Boca Raton and Delray Beach.

Eastside Tables of 8
A unique twist on the Eastside Pop Up Happy Hour, this program gathers groups of eight to enjoy dinner together at one of four different restaurants in Mizner Park, followed by dessert and conversation at one location all together as one group.

Mitzvah Mingle Singles Event for 40s, 50s & 60s Likeminded local singles gather to mingle, meet new people, and enjoy light bites and wine, while working together on meaningful mitzvah projects.

Ladies’ Night Out
A series of events featuring fun and innovative activities and the opportunity to meet women who want to connect with each other, the Levis JCC and our Jewish community.

Men's Night Out
Events that offer men a relaxed evening out while networking and connecting with the Levis JCC and our Jewish community.

Family Events

Pride Shabbat
An inclusive, musical, pluralistic Shabbat celebration hosted by the Levis JCC in partnership with Keshet and many area organizations. Clergy from a local synagogue lead a warm and uplifting service that celebrates the beauty of our diverse and welcoming community.

Levis JCC and PJ Library Family Events
Levis JCC proud partners with PJ Library to present family-friendly and delightful celebrations of Jewish holidays to our community.

• Snacks in the Sukkah
During Sukkot, families enjoy togetherness inside the sukkah by reading aloud from favorite PJ Library books (along with a few tasty snacks!)

• Celebrate Chanukah 
Crafts, story-time, treats and more to celebrate the Festival of Lights!

• Pre-Purim Superhero Party
Families arrive in costume and enjoy Hamantashen, crafts, singing and of course special visits from favorite superheroes.