Emily & Neil Kishter Year Round Film Programs

$200 for All Access Year Round Film Pass (does not apply to Israeli Film Series)
$10 per film, Free for Film Festival Patrons and Platinum Members (unless noted)

EVAN FOSTER | Manager | 561-852-3237 | evanf@levisjcc.org
ADOLPH & ROSE LEVIS JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER | 21050 95th Avenue S., Boca Raton, FL | 561-558-2520

*Important: please note that when arriving to our campus for evening and Sunday events, you must use the 95th Avenue S. entrance
(off of Glades Road between Lyons Road and 441).

The Festival Continues

Monday, February 24, 7:00 pm
Beyond October 7th with Leah Polin "Remembering Hersh Goldberg-Polin"
Leah Polin is the grandmother of October 7 hostage Hersh Goldberg Polin who was held in captivity for more than a year and then brutally murdered by Hamas.

A special screening of the documentary film Beyond October 7 will follow Leah’s presentation.

In this intimate documentary that begins just two days after the Gad family physically survived the devastating assault by Hamas on October 7th. It captures this family’s painful struggle with shock, trauma, and grief at both personal and communal levels and explores what it means to move forward in the face of unimaginable loss.

Tuesday, February 25, 7:30 pm
A former minor-league basketball coach is ordered by the court to manage a team of players with intellectual disabilities. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together, this team can go further than they ever imagined.
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February 26: Island of Roses: The Jews of Rhodes in Los Angeles
Director: Gregori Viens, 55 minutes, English, French, Italian, and Ladino with English subtitles, 1995
Jews who lived on the Mediterranean island of Rhodes from 1492 to World War II now populate the Los Angeles community of Rhodeslis. These immigrants settled in Los Angeles during and after World War II and passed down their traditions, food, songs, rituals, and their medieval Ladino Spanish dialect to their American-born children and grandchildren.
The Sephardic Jews and the Pike Place Market
Director: Stephen Sadis, 30 minutes, English with English subtitles, 2001
At the turn of the century, Sephardic Jews fled the turmoil of their homeland to start a new life in America. Filled with interviews, archival photos, this slice of Northwest history captures their story as they arrived in Seattle and found work at the Pike Place Market.

Friday, March 14, 1:00 pm
Letters from Jackie with Joe Dorinson
Letters from Jackie: The Private Thoughts of Jackie Robinson explores Jackie's deepest motivations as he solidifies his role in the civil rights movement after his days as a trailblazing baseball player. The film uses unedited and uncensored letters written by Jackie to iconic figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Eisenhower. Interviews with his daughter, Sharon Robinson; his pen pal, Ron Rabinovitz; historian Joe Dorinson; and an array of MLB players paint a vivid picture of this complex and inspirational man. Historian Joe Dorinson will be present at the screening for a Q&A.
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March 19: Challah Rising in the Desert: The Jews of New Mexico
Director: Isaac Artenstein, 84 minutes, English, 2017
A cinematic celebration of the history and people of New Mexico’s unique Jewish community. Five waves of Jewish settlement include Conversos escaping the Spanish Inquisition, German merchants on the Santa Fe Trail in the early 1800s, international scientists at Los Alamos in the 1940s and the counterculture of the 1960s create a moving tapestry of the Jewish experience woven into New Mexico’s fascinating landscape and history.
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March 26: To The Ends of the Earth: A Portrait of Jewish San Diego
Director: Isaac Artenstein, 75 minutes, English, 2018
By wagon train and steamship, Jews began arriving in San Diego in 1850 when it was a small pueblo. Meet descendants of early Jewish pioneers, scientists, entrepreneurs, avant-garde artists, rabbis, and surfers in a living portrait of a vibrant and culturally dynamic community.

March 30: Harmonia
Director: Ori Sivan, 97 minutes, Hebrew with English subtitles, 2016
A contemporary variation of the biblical story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar. Sarah, a harpist of the Jerusalem Philharmonic Orchestra is married to Abraham, its conductor. When Hagar, a young Palestinian horn player joins the orchestra, the thin balance in their family is shaken. Harmonia uncovers the metaphoric emotional roots of the ancient conflict between the two peoples living in Jerusalem, now seeking harmony through a dramatic encounter between Western and Eastern music.
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Featured Films

Enjoy our expanding selection of year round films including Israeli, international, independent and art films.

Tuesday, January 21, 1:00 pm
Look At Us Now, Mother!
Director: Gayle Kirschenbaum, 84 minutes, English with English subtitles, 2015
An unflinching look at the complex bond between mother and daughter told through biting humor and raw honesty. Director and film subject Gayle Kirschenbaum will be in attendance.
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Thursday, January 30, 1:00 pm
Director: Erez Tadmor, 96 min, Hebrew with English Subtitles, 2022
Come see the biggest box office hit in Israeli history! Matchmaking is a light romantic comedy set in the world of Orthodox matchmaking in Israel. The sequel, Matchmaking 2, will be the closing night film of the 2025 edition of the Judy Levis Krug Boca Raton Jewish Film Festival.

Monday, February 24, 7:00 pm
Beyond October 7th with Leah Polin "Remembering Hersh Goldberg-Polin"
Leah Polin is the grandmother of October 7 hostage Hersh Goldberg Polin who was held in captivity for more than a year and then brutally murdered by Hamas.

A special screening of the documentary film Beyond October 7 will follow Leah’s presentation.

In this intimate documentary that begins just two days after the Gad family physically survived the devastating assault by Hamas on October 7th. It captures this family’s painful struggle with shock, trauma, and grief at both personal and communal levels and explores what it means to move forward in the face of unimaginable loss.

Tuesday, February 25, 7:30 pm
A former minor-league basketball coach is ordered by the court to manage a team of players with intellectual disabilities. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together, this team can go further than they ever imagined.
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Friday, March 14, 1:00 pm
Letters from Jackie with Joe Dorinson
Letters from Jackie: The Private Thoughts of Jackie Robinson explores Jackie's deepest motivations as he solidifies his role in the civil rights movement after his days as a trailblazing baseball player. The film uses unedited and uncensored letters written by Jackie to iconic figures such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Eisenhower. Interviews with his daughter, Sharon Robinson; his pen pal, Ron Rabinovitz; historian Joe Dorinson; and an array of MLB players paint a vivid picture of this complex and inspirational man. Historian Joe Dorinson will be present at the screening for a Q&A.
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2024-25 Nina Rosenzweig Sunday Morning Israeli Film Series

Sunday mornings, 9:00 am
at the Levis JCC

Moderated by Mort Plotnick
Includes coffee, bagels, film and discussion.

January 5: Here and Now
Director Roman Shumunov, 90 minutes, Hebrew and Russian with English subtitles, 2018
Here and Now is an authentic social drama told through the eyes of Andrey, a young immigrant living with her little sister in the slums of the city of Ashdod and struggling to assimilate into Israeli society.
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January 26: The Wonderful Kingdom of Papa Alaev
Directors: Tal Barda & Noam Pinchas, 74 minutes, Hebrew, Russian, and Tajik with English subtitles, 2016
A modern-day Shakespearean tale about a legendary Tajik-Israeli musical family controlled by the charismatic patriarch Papa Alaev. Only his equally strong-willed daughter, Ada, dares to resist his will. As Papa nears 80 and generations clash over new musical directions, the family show must go on. But who will lead the band?
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March 2: Kapo in Jerusalem
Director: Uri Barbash, 98 minutes, Hebrew with English subtitles, 2015
An exploration of the moral dilemmas in Auschwitz from the point of view of a deputy head of a block and a few of his prisoners who survived the camp and emigrated to Israel. Based on a true story.
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March 30: Harmonia
Director: Ori Sivan, 97 minutes, Hebrew with English subtitles, 2016
A contemporary variation of the biblical story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar. Sarah, a harpist of the Jerusalem Philharmonic Orchestra is married to Abraham, its conductor. When Hagar, a young Palestinian horn player joins the orchestra, the thin balance in their family is shaken. Harmonia uncovers the metaphoric emotional roots of the ancient conflict between the two peoples living in Jerusalem, now seeking harmony through a dramatic encounter between Western and Eastern music.
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Individual films $18: Gold & Gold Plus members $16; Film Festival Patrons and Platinum Members: Free
Series pass: $95, Gold and Gold Plus Members: $80, Platinum Members and Film Festival Patrons: Free

Fascinating Sephardim: A Film Series

Presented in partnership with The Sephardi Federation of Palm Beach County, Inc.
Wednesdays at 1:00 pm
at the Levis JCC unless noted 
Discussion moderated by Rose Pappo Allen
This film series examines places in the world where wandering communities of Sephardic Jewry took root, expanding the diversity of world Jewish history and heritage. This season the film selection will feature Sephardim in America; their heritage and immigrant experience. Each film viewing will be followed by an in-depth discussion providing historic and cultural context to the subject as well as Q&A.

January 29: The Levys of Monticello
Director: Steven Pressman, 71 minutes, English, 2022
When Thomas Jefferson died in 1826, he left behind a mountain of personal debt, which forced his heirs to sell his beloved Monticello home and all of its possessions. The Levys of Monticello is a documentary film that tells the little-known story of the Levy family, which owned and carefully preserved Monticello for nearly a century.
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February 19: Remember My Soul
at Movies of Delray

Director: Jillian Glantz, 88 minutes, English and Spanish with English subtitles, 2019
Remember My Soul unearths the history of Sephardic Jews in South Texas and explores how their contributions to regional customs and culture have shaped the identity of people in the borderlands.

February 26: Island of Roses: The Jews of Rhodes in Los Angeles
Director: Gregori Viens, 55 minutes, English, French, Italian, and Ladino with English subtitles, 1995
Jews who lived on the Mediterranean island of Rhodes from 1492 to World War II now populate the Los Angeles community of Rhodeslis. These immigrants settled in Los Angeles during and after World War II and passed down their traditions, food, songs, rituals, and their medieval Ladino Spanish dialect to their American-born children and grandchildren.
The Sephardic Jews and the Pike Place Market
Director: Stephen Sadis, 30 minutes, English with English subtitles, 2001
At the turn of the century, Sephardic Jews fled the turmoil of their homeland to start a new life in America. Filled with interviews, archival photos, this slice of Northwest history captures their story as they arrived in Seattle and found work at the Pike Place Market.

March 19: Challah Rising in the Desert: The Jews of New Mexico
Director: Isaac Artenstein, 84 minutes, English, 2017
A cinematic celebration of the history and people of New Mexico’s unique Jewish community. Five waves of Jewish settlement include Conversos escaping the Spanish Inquisition, German merchants on the Santa Fe Trail in the early 1800s, international scientists at Los Alamos in the 1940s and the counterculture of the 1960s create a moving tapestry of the Jewish experience woven into New Mexico’s fascinating landscape and history.
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March 26: To The Ends of the Earth: A Portrait of Jewish San Diego
Director: Isaac Artenstein, 75 minutes, English, 2018
By wagon train and steamship, Jews began arriving in San Diego in 1850 when it was a small pueblo. Meet descendants of early Jewish pioneers, scientists, entrepreneurs, avant-garde artists, rabbis, and surfers in a living portrait of a vibrant and culturally dynamic community.

$10 per film, Film Festival Patrons and Platinum Members: Free
Series pass: $45, Film Festival Patrons and Platinum Members: Free


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