May 12, 2022
Shalom Chaverim (Dear Friends),
We often refer to “2 degrees of separation” that might seem to separate us from our fellow Jews. In reality, these “2 degrees” are such strong connections! This proves true for me in my first 5 weeks here in South Palm Beach County. My first Shabbat dinner was sent to Lori and me from Ben’s by a former Jewish communal colleague I have known for decades. The second visit to our new home was from a woman and her family -- I hired her for her first Jewish communal job in Cincinnati also decades ago. I had Shabbat dinner at the home of someone I dated in our teen years, when we met at NCSY in New Jersey more than 40 years ago. Lastly, I just found out that one of our wonderful Levis JCC donors recently had dinner with my very first boss from when I was 15 years old, and who is also a close personal family friend, essentially my entire life. WOW!

Communally, we are deeply connected. It is so vital that our partner Jewish organizations thrive. When the waters rise, all the boats rise with it together. This week I had the privilege of participating in the Toby & Leon Cooperman Sinai Residences ribbon cutting ceremony. We heard from Amy Linder, Senior Vice President of Marketing of Sinai Residences and Rabbi Greg Weissman from Temple Beth El whose service Lori and I attended last Friday night. We also heard from Wes Finch, Chairman of the Board, Sinai Residences; State Senator Tina Polsky; and Palm Beach County Mayor and Commissioner, Robert Weinroth who we shared a Seder with recently. We heard from Maria Sachs, Palm Beach County Commissioner; Larry Feldman, Chair of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, as well as from Matt Levin, the Federation’s President and CEO; and from Sinai Residence Director, Rachel Blumberg. What a fabulous accomplishment Sinai Residences is for all who enjoy living there, for their families who rest easy knowing how great the living is there, and for our Jewish community.
This week’s Torah portion is Emor (Speak) in Leviticus, the 3rd in the five books of Moses. In it is listed most of the Jewish Holidays so many of us have come to know so well and which continue to play such a vital role in our lives. This is again the “2 degrees of separation” really working as amazing connections – it’s the special link between the individuals we know, the communal organizations we depend upon and support, and the Jewish traditions that are so important to so many of us. I hope to see many of you tonight before you receive this Shabbat message, at another great tradition, our Levis JCC Annual Meeting, connecting with our Levis JCC, with our community, and with each other. This evening culminates another fabulous and eventful year of programming activities that adds so much to the lives of so many. Connections!
Light candles Friday night at 7:41 pm
Shabbat ends Saturday night at 8:38 pm
